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Robotpirate ArduiNIX V3 Board Only

Robotpirate ArduiNIX V3 Board Only


Shield circuit board only: use the parts you already have


The ArduiNIX shield is a user programmable platform for driving multiplexed Nixie tube or other high voltage displays**.
**The ArduiNIX requires a 9 or 12v DC 650mA or greater power supply, not included. Arduino is not included.

The ArduiNIX shield uses digital data pins 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 on the Arduino.

AREF, IOREF, TX(digital 1), RX(digital 0), Analog 0-5, digital 18 and 19 are free to use as inputs/outputs.



Take special care when working with the ArduiNIX. The ArduiNIX Shield operates at high voltages! Be careful when handling it while it's powered up. Normally the Arduino is safe to handle, but when used in conjunction with the ArduiNIX, voltages in excess of 200 volts may be achieved. Use caution!


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